Heaven's Angel - Kindle Edition
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See the world anew.Sophie Robinson is a new and exciting poetic voice. Full of innocence and wonder at the world, she describes her thoughts and impressions in verse.
Rediscover the world on the pages of this charming, profound and refreshing collection of poems from a 21st-century child’s perspective.
A collection of 20 poems with 17 colour illustrations
For details on how to transfer this file to your Kindle or app, please see https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle/ If you have any difficulty, please email Karen Perkins on [email protected] and she will endeavour to help.
Rediscover the world on the pages of this charming, profound and refreshing collection of poems from a 21st-century child’s perspective.
A collection of 20 poems with 17 colour illustrations
For details on how to transfer this file to your Kindle or app, please see https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle/ If you have any difficulty, please email Karen Perkins on [email protected] and she will endeavour to help.